One-Cost / One-stop Expert Cloud Office Solutions

We’re positioned as an essential partner for SMEs and entrepreneurs


Your Cloud Office, however you need it

We provide SMEs and entrepreneurs with the operational backbone they need to excel in competitive markets.


An individual or group of seasoned freelancers provides one or more fractional services to achieve specific short-term goals.

man in gray dress shirt sitting on chair in front of computer monitor
man in gray dress shirt sitting on chair in front of computer monitor

As a third-party service provider, we handle your specific business needs, overseeing and redefining your operations.

selective focus photography of people sits in front of table inside room
selective focus photography of people sits in front of table inside room

Beyond Solutions,
We Offer Peace of Mind

With years of experience, these professionals are able to help you resolve short or long-term issues with ease.

two men shaking hands in a conference room
two men shaking hands in a conference room

Services that grow with your business, providing flexibility and support as your needs evolve.

Cost Efficiency

Premium services at competitive pricing, allowing you to maximize your resources.

Unified Management

A single source for managing all your operational needs efficiently.



increase in operational efficiency
reduction in overhead costs
rise in customer satisfaction scores






With Hey Business Butler!, you access a blend of professional expertise and technological innovation

Strong Backed Database

improved operational efficiency by up to 20% due to reduced errors and streamlined workflows

40% reduction in operational costs and up to 60% increase in process efficiency

cost savings of up to 30% by leveraging global talent pools

AI Integration
Global Hiring and Talent Pool
Semi-Automation Solution

semi-automated systems to improve productivity while maintaining human oversight.

Bulk Streamlining

cost reductions ranging from 5% to 25% due to economies of scale

Component-Based Development

time-to-market by up to 50% compared to traditional monolithic approaches

We’re positioned as an essential partner for SMEs and entrepreneurs

Your Ambition, Our Mission

Unlocking Potential, Empowering Growth

Bridging Gaps, Building Futures

At Business Butler, we don't just support your business; we embrace your vision as our own. Imagine a partner who is as committed to your dreams as you are—where your success defines ours.

We believe every business has untapped potential. With our global expertise and innovative strategies, we're not just consultants; we're enablers of your next big breakthrough.

Facing challenges in unfamiliar markets can feel like standing at the edge of a precipice. Business Butler acts as the bridge that carries your ambitions safely across, turning daunting market landscapes into solid ground for growth.

Beyond Solutions, We Offer Peace of Mind

From Local to Global with Love

Innovation Infused with Compassion

In the chaotic world of business, peace of mind is priceless. We provide not just solutions but confidence and clarity, allowing you to focus on what you love while we handle the complexities.

Your local business deserves a global stage. We're passionate about transforming local champions into global contenders, ensuring the world sees your value as clearly as we do.

Our drive for innovation is matched only by our commitment to our clients' well-being. We bring cutting-edge solutions with a touch of human care, making sure that technology serves you, not the other way around.

Our Leaders

Muqsit Ashraf

Lead – Strategy

Christopher Roark

Lead – Strategy, North America, Cost & Productivity Reinvention Global Lead

Michael Brueckner

Lead – Strategy, EMEA

Masataka Ishikawa

Lead – Strategy, Growth Markets